Corporación de Adelanto y Desarrollo de Reñaca (CODAR) visited Las Salinas Vegetable Laboratory

Publications and media

On May 14, we met with CODAR to share the experience and lessons learned about the importance of generating wild vegetation spaces in the city. On the occasion, CODAR’s coastal environment committee talked with the biologist and promoter of the Plant Laboratory -Salvador Donghi- about the options for incorporating native vegetation floors in Reñaca, which will expand the biological corridor that is already being generated thanks to the connection that the laboratory generates with the Las Salinas creek, extending it towards the Reñaca micro-basin. For their part, the group explained the work they have been doing in the area – thanks to the formation of the first ecological committee to work under the wing of CODAR – with the survey of flora and fauna in the southern sector of the Reñaca estuary and how the conservation of eucalyptus, boldos, peumo, among others, have allowed populations of migrant birds to choose this place to stop, generating a rich ecosystem. They have also been studying the Gómez Carreño Park and other real environmental treasures that they would like to share with the community, to be observed, visited and preserved. The premise is that to the extent that the inhabitants of a place know and value our ecosystem, we will be more willing to take care of it and to ask authorities and companies to generate territorial development processes with adequate environmental planning, which will allow us to generate neighborhoods integrated into their natural surroundings.

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