Environmental authority recommends approval of “Estudio de Impacto Ambiental Saneamiento Del Terreno Las Salinas”.

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On August 10, the SEIA was submitted to Las Salinas, with a recommendation for approval by the environmental authority. The EIA was submitted to the Environmental Evaluation System in December 2018, with a proposal for the remediation of the land through an on-site bioremediation process (on the same site) in order to not generate environmental externalities during its treatment and to safeguard the health of people. This indication from the SEA, after a year and a half of processing, implies that the project complies with environmental regulations, takes responsibility for the effects and proposes appropriate remediation and follow-up measures. The document states that “the project owner corrected the errors, omissions and inaccuracies raised in the Consolidated Reports of Clarifications, Rectifications and Amplifications (ICSARA)”. Therefore, “the Environmental Assessment Service of the Valparaíso Region recommends approval of the Environmental Impact Study for the Saneamiento del Terreno Las Salinas project,” the report explains. The complete document issued by the Environmental Impact Evaluation Service can be downloaded at .

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