Check out the full video of the presentation in our . The welcome was given by Marisol Cortés, Regional President of CChC, and Gonzalo Tellería, president of the Urban Planning and Architecture Commission. Esteban Undurraga’s presentation highlighted the fundamental aspects of the remediation project to be implemented on the site and then gave a complete presentation on the urban development project being worked on, emphasizing the principle of dynamism that guides the master plan. He addressed issues such as mobility and how the site has the opportunity to connect Viña, highlighting that “”. In addition, he stated that the strategic location makes it easier for the project to support city projects, for example, at the level of multimodality, such as the streetcar. He also emphasized the mixed-use quality of the neighborhood, which makes it possible to generate a well-connected and integrated local economic development pole that will be a contribution to the city, and not a second-home real estate project, as has been said. In this regard, he indicated that although “”. He also indicated that the neighborhood project is annexing private spaces for public uses in order to provide larger public spaces, the need for which has become more evident than ever post pandemic. Another highlight is the need for a park system that connects to the city, and in that sense Las Salinas establishes a system that incorporates a large central park connected to a biologically rehabilitated hillside. An example of this are two public space improvement projects that are being worked on at the proposal level for the upper sector of the site: la , both designed to improve pedestrian access to the condominiums located above the hillside, and Santa Inés, which has a strong emphasis on the biological restoration of the hillside. Once the presentation was completed, questions from the audience were answered regarding various aspects. When asked how the 6 Oriente project affects Las Salinas, it was clarified that “”. Esteban Undurraga stated that it is effective that “”. It was also asked if a survey was made to the residents of Viña del Mar on what they expect to be done in the sector, to which it was explained that “”. The problem generated by the tsunamis was also addressed, to which it was indicated that “. Finally, regarding the economic indicators associated with the project and how the investment can generate positive impacts, it was stated that “.