Professor Marcel Szantó and the challenges of waste management in the mining industry

Publications and media

In an article published by Revista Minería Chilena, Minería Sustentable on June 17, 2020, waste management expert Professor Marcel Szantó, together with the general manager of Buffer Consultores, Aldo Celis, discuss measures aimed at mitigating the various adverse environmental impacts in the long term. The extraction of rocks and minerals in the mining industry causes negative effects to the environment, which are measured and controlled according to the current regulations of each country, which establish conditions that allow detecting those situations that imply a modification or alteration to the environment. Part of the evolution of the environmental legislation in our country considers the so-called closure and reinsertion, or simply the restoration of the land affected by the mining activity. Rehabilitation, replacement or repair of facilities, relocation of communities, remediation, reforestation or closure are some of the items that must be addressed strategically according to the stakeholders identified. The full article can be downloaded at the following link:

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