Residents tour Las Salinas and learn about bioremediation

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In order to allow the community to learn first-hand about the current environmental status of the site and the process to complete the reclamation of the site, the purpose of the project is to allow neighbors to talk directly with the company and the scientists developing the project, so that they can see, touch and smell the sand. The purpose is that the neighbors can talk directly with the company and with the scientists developing the project, in order to raise their doubts and concerns; also, in a tour of the site they can see, touch and smell the sand found in the different levels of land, which allows them to verify, without significant impacts to the environment. Having made two visits to date, Gonzalo Undurraga, coordinator of Las Salinas communities, appreciates the willingness of the neighbors to come and see the land in person. “”. If you are interested in signing up for a guided tour, write to us at

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