Second session of the Viña del Mar Urban Panel, identifying the city’s themes

Publications and media

Last Thursday, June 20, the second session of the Viña del Mar Urban Panel was held, a working group that seeks to be an instance in the conjunction of views that each institution represented has about the Metropolitan Area of Valparaiso, with the Las Salinas project as a good pretext to promote the conversation. The activity – in which representatives of the Chilean Chamber of Construction, Federico Santa María University, Viña del Mar University, Piensa Foundation, University of Valparaíso, Chilean Navy and the Engineers Association of the region participated – began with the presentation of the urban project Las Salinas, which was commented by the experts. One of those present emphasized that “there is a possibility of a new neighborhood that will increase pedestrian traffic to the center of Viña, in general it is a good thing because it has a remarkable care… it is a high density in a city that is still walkable”. The presentation opened the debate around various city topics, such as mobility, density, first and second homes, opportunities around the connection of the hill with the sea, urban equipment, etc. Here the idea of “making the metropolitan center attractive again, with more complete offers and more complete transportation was highlighted. The great metropolitan element that Viña del Mar offers is its waterfront and that is what we have to continue improving”.

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