The “Viña del Mar 2023 City Study” was part of a process called Open Urban Territorial Reflection (RUTA Viña), which included a reflection by academics and unions, who approached the results from a professional and disciplinary perspective. When asked by La Estrella de Valparaíso about what is concretely missing, Javier Torrejón, president of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Valparaíso (CRCP) responded that Viña del Mar needs “housing”, as well as the recovery “of the center, the entire old plan, Valparaíso Street and its entire sector. Not only because we have the Quinta Vergara and today the Municipal Theater is enough”. For his part, Guido Girardi, executive vice-president of the Fundación Encuentros del Futuro (FEF), pointed out that “something relevant is that, in a time of despair and crisis, this exhibition shows something that should be highlighted: when people are asked what they think 2030 will be like, they answer that there is hope. Viña del Mar has a future for the people who live in the city”. In a prominent wedge of Ricardo Labarca, development manager of Las Salinas, says that “the important thing to know this opinion and vision of the city is the opportunity to move from diagnosis to action with concrete proposals that allow from the same inhabitants of this city to move forward to a proposal for the future”. Read the article from La Estrella de Valparaíso in the .