Urban bicycle lanes, a solution on two wheels

Publications and media

Decades ago, buying a car was a clear sign of personal progress. So much so that to this day we remember how “Perico” was pestered to buy one (). Things, however, have changed. A growing trend in Chile is the search for housing as close as possible to where we work, study, play sports or go to the supermarket. Moreover, current regulations have had to adapt to this trend, which is reflected in the fact that more than 40% of trips in our cities are less than 7 km away. All this – added to the growing congestion in our cities – has led to a progressive increase in the number of cyclists, who resort to this transport system because it is more economical and efficient, as well as offering additional health benefits. Initially, we have seen how some municipalities have begun to install bicycle lanes to address this growing demand. Recently, this need for deeper integration of bicycles into the transportation system has become law. From the definition of roadways -formerly for motorized vehicle use- to the design of the roadways, this new regulatory framework has added bicycle lanes as part of a real transportation solution for cities. Our team specialized in transportation and mobility is fully aware of the importance of designing innovative solutions in road matters under the integrating look of the , which refers not only to vehicular transport, but to all human displacements. The concept of

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